
Export photos made easy

ciephoto phones

Easily capture and manage export container and material quality photos

ciePhoto replaces your existing digital camera and allows users to take photos of outbound export containers or to document quality issues on received loads. The photos are automatically uploaded into the cieTrade database over any internet connection and attached directly to the appropriate load number, eliminating the time consuming task of manually managing hundreds of photos. ciePhoto can also reduce the number of lost photos since the images are uploaded from the device immediately after they are taken.

Takes and Uploads Photos

Photos are taken for each inbound trailer or outbound shipping container and are saved with a load or container number. Pictures for each load are then automatically uploaded to a cieTrade cloud where the images are automatically resized and adjusted.

photo capture
Attaches to Load Numbers

Attaches to Load Numbers

Photos are automatically attached to their corresponding worksheet in cieTrade by matching up the container or load number. 

Emails to Customers & Suppliers

The image attachments on loads (worksheets) in cieTrade can be emailed to customers along with booking documentation or to suppliers to handle claims

Key Features

  • Eliminates the work involved with manually downloading, editing, and organizing photos into folders.
  • Automatically attaches photos to corresponding shipments by load, container, or scale ticket number.
  • Resizes and time stamps export containers for CCIC customs.
  • Photos can be easily emailed to customers or suppliers with booking documentation.
  • Easily edit and delete pictures.
  • Helps eliminate lost photos by archiving images on your mobile device.
  • Includes upload history to track photos for a specified period of time.
  • Does not require an active Wi-Fi network.

Want to see a full list of features?

Download our
ciePhoto brochure

Additional Tools

self service portal

Self-Service Portal

cieTrade’s self-service portal gives supply chain partners 24/7 on-demand access and visibility to recovered material, pricing, shipments, payments, documents and more.



cieDispatch is a free mobile app that lets your drivers retrieve a list of assigned tickets, get directions to service locations, update job status, record notes, and even capture photos.


ciePhoto is exclusively for the use of cieTrade clients. The app is compatible with any iPhone device running iOS 8 or higher. It is not compatible with Apple iPads. Wi-Fi and cellular internet connections are needed to submit photos.

Yes. There is a nominal charge to process the photos associated with each shipping container or received trailer.
However, there are no user license fees which means that you can setup as many users as you wish. Please contact us for additional information on cost.

If your device loses internet connection, you can still capture photos with the app and your photos will be stored in ciePhoto. Once your internet connection is available, you can send your stored photos and will be placed in the app’s Upload History.

To set up ciePhoto users please contact our cieTrade support team by phone or email with a list of users and credentials (user IDs and passwords) that you wish to set up.

Interested in Learning More?

Learn how cieTrade can meet the unique needs of your trading or recycling business with an online demonstration tailored to your specific areas of interest.